Physical energy flow accounts (PEFA)

Physical energy flow accounts (PEFA) describe (in terajoules) energy flows from the environment (forms of energy taken from nature) into the economy, within the economy (energy products), and from the economy into the environment (energy residues).

PEFA are a statistical framework which is conceptually embedded in the environmental economic accounts and is therefore fully compatible with the principles, concepts and classifications of the national accounts and the other environmental economic accounts. This enables a wide range of integrated analyzes and ecological-economic modeling (e.g. of environmental, energy and economic issues). PEFA complement the traditional energy statistics, balances and derived indicators, which represent the most important reference data for EU energy policy.

PEFA consist of supply and use tables and map the flows from nature, within the economy and back to nature in a kind of double bookkeeping.

With Regulation (EU) 2014/538, PEFA were included in the EU Regulation on European Environmental Economic Accounts (Regulation (EU) 2011/691) and the calculation was thus placed on a legal basis. Since 2017 there has been a reporting obligation to Eurostat comprising the following 5 tables:

Image of PEFA questionnaire with seven data-tables
Fig.: Tables of the reporting obligation to Eurostat