What are environmental accounts?

Environmental accounts as a statistical system describe interactions between the economy, private households and the environment.

Environmental policy and legal basis

Environmental accounts are mentioned as a requirement in the directions for the EU on environmental indicators and green national accounting. Their aim is to better depict the interaction between society and environment.

Environmental accounts: structure and preparation

International practices for the preparation of environmental accounts are based on the System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounts (SEEA) which consists of a variety of environmental satellite accounts.

Sustainable Development Goals and environmental accounts

SEEA and the environmental accounts can contribute data and information to the monitoring of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Scope and applications

The results, data and indicators of the environmental accounts are used in various subject areas, some of which are presented here in more detail.

Individual Data Analysis of Environmental Accounting Data

Get an overview of the different indicators that are used in environmental accounting by individually designed motion chart analysis.